The Hidden Dangers of Cheap Air Filters

As a seasoned HVAC professional, I have witnessed many homeowners make the mistake of choosing cheap air filters in an attempt to save money. While it may seem like a wise financial decision at first, the truth is that opting for cheap air filters can actually end up costing you more in the long run. Let's start with the basics. If no one in your household suffers from allergies and you don't have pets or major air quality issues, a low-cost filter may still be effective. However, the main drawback of these cheaper filters is that they need to be replaced more frequently.

This means that you will end up spending more money on replacements over time, which can quickly add up. When it comes to furnace filters, many HVAC professionals follow the general rule of “the cheaper, the better”. But as someone who prioritizes your health and well-being, I have to disagree with this statement. While a cheap fiberglass filter may seem like a good deal, it is not the best option for protecting your lungs and blood. On the other hand, investing in a high-quality air filter and a whole-house air purifier can significantly improve your indoor air quality and overall health. Whether you opt for a cheap fiberglass filter or a better quality pleated air filter, it is crucial to change them regularly when they become dirty. Cheap air filters may not have the same lifespan as their more expensive counterparts, and they are also less efficient at trapping particles.

This means that harmful airborne contaminants can easily enter your air conditioning system and circulate throughout your home or office. Additionally, newer model engines may not be powerful enough to push air through a dense filter, causing strain on the system. While pleated filters do a better job at cleaning air than fiberglass, there are even better options available for efficiently purifying air without putting stress on your HVAC system. Expensive air filters are made of higher quality materials, which not only last longer but are also more efficient at trapping particles. They also have a larger surface area to filter, making them more effective at removing harmful contaminants from the air. One of the main benefits of investing in an expensive air filter is that they typically have a higher MERV rating.

This means that they can trap smaller particles and have a larger surface area to filter, making them more effective at improving indoor air quality. This is especially crucial for those who suffer from asthma or allergies, as these filters can help remove as many harmful particles as possible from the air. In addition to improving indoor air quality, expensive air filters can also help prevent mold and mildew growth by reducing the amount of moisture in the air. This is especially important for those living in humid climates or areas with high levels of moisture. On the other hand, cheap air filters are usually made of lower quality materials such as cardboard and paper. These materials do not have the same longevity as their more expensive counterparts and are less effective at filtering out harmful particles from the air.

This means that you will need to replace them more frequently, which can end up costing you more money in the long run. So, what's the bottom line? As an expert in the HVAC industry, I highly recommend investing in a good quality air filter for your home or office. With their help, you can choose an air filter that provides the best possible protection to your HVAC system and improves indoor air quality. Don't be fooled by the initial cost savings of cheap air filters – in the long run, they may end up costing you more money and potentially putting your health at risk.